Development and Consulting

I try to support people and organizations in their development.

I do not offer solutions and I do not solve other people’s problems, because I do not think that I know better than others how they should behave, where to focus on, and what to learn. What I do is trying to help people to improve in the areas that are important for them.

If you want to work with me, I offer my qualifications and experience to support you dealing with the challenges you face. I am sure we’ll find a solution.

Exemplary Domains

Organization and leadership development

I help you design, implement, and evaluate developmental projects. My contributions may include supporting your attempts to develop a vision, strategy, and goals at different levels; developing and implementing surveys and interviews to get an idea of the status quo; and design and implement tools for realizing potential.


Culture is among the most fascinating concepts when dealing with groups (e.g., organizations, teams, communities). I think they help to organize one’s perceptions and one’s actions. Developing one’s culture is a difficult but promising way to realize the potential of a group and its members.


I work with individuals who want to improve or change. I try to help you find new perspectives and offer opportunities try ideas and reflect on their implementation.

Practitioner talks

I give talks to inspire and invite to reflect on topics such as leadership, culture, the communication of critical issues, well-being and health, architecture psychology, and (im)moral behavior in organizations.

Get in touch

If you want to know more, get in contact. One of the great things in my work is that I get to know a broad variety of people more or less by accident. From most of them, I learn something interesting. I am sure this will not be different with you.