
thank you for visiting my site. It offers a glimpse into the work I do.

Basically, I try to understand how other people work while considering work as an essential part of human existence. I think that while working, people not just create or shape things or offer services, they also create and shape themselves and the world around them.

My own work can be separated into the three sections that you see below. Click on one of them and you will find more detailed information and maybe something of interest for you.

What I do

Events this year

Talk about progress in our project on Cultures of Silence (funded by the Swedish Agency of Work Environmental Expertise) at the Department of Sociology and Work Science at Gotheburg University.

Presenting our project on Cultures of Silence (funded by the Swedish Agency of Work Environmental Expertise) at the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions  Headquarters in Stockholm.

Presentation of the results of a work group that was concerned with developing a vision for the public administration of a larger German City and for their higher-level leaders. I was supporting this work group.

Research Talk and Symposium on our Cultures of Silence project at the Sustainable HRM and Worki

Symposium on Silence and talk on Cultures of silence

Research Talk and Symposium on Silence at the DGPs (German Psychological Association) biannual conference in Vienna

Beyond work…

I am priviledged to spend most of the time I am working with interesting questions and people and – most of the time – enjoy doing this. However, there is life beyond work. In this area, I share some things that I think are important for me – and that can be shared online.

As soon as I’ll find the time 😉

Get in touch

If you want to know more, contact me. One of the great things in my work is that I get to know a broad variety of people more or less by accident. From most of them, I learn something interesting. I am sure this will not be different with you.